Anuradhapura This celebrated ancient capital, which has seen the reigns’ of ninety kings
Over 15 centuries, epitomizes the culture of the Sinhalese race. It s magnificent array of the plastic arts, massive shrines and it s stately array of the plastic arts, massive shrines and it s stately are monuments  mightier than the Pharaohs .To the Buddhist world, Anuradhapura has always been the sacred City. During the great Poson  Festival of the Full Moon, the anniversary
Of the introduction of Buddhism to Ceylon 25 centuries ago, Anuradhapura throbs with life. in  the silent  tread of pilgrim feet, the visitor may sense to this jungle-girt capital of 2,500 years ago.
It was to Anuradhapura that prince Mahinda, son of the Indian Emperor Asoka, and the great apostles of   Buddhism, came to preach the new faith to Ceylon’s  reigning monarch, Devanampiya Tissa, in  the 3rd century B.C. The very stones of this city are seeped in  old-time ceremony and ritual, for from the time of Devanampiya Tissa’s conversion, Buddhism become the inspiration of generations. It brought the creative genius of the Sinhalese into full flower and found its expression in stately monuments, architectural wonders and exquisite works of art.